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1.1 Overview

The patient Management system comprises creating account for patients, storing their information into the system; everything is computerized compare to the previous system. The software has the facility to give a search facility for every patients and the staff automatically. m. User can search about the doctor whether they are available or not and the details of a patient. The patient management system can be login using a username, password and staff designation. It is available, by either an administrator or any staff that has an account in the system. Individual they can add data into the database. The data can be saved easily. The interface is precise and user-friendly. The data is well protected for individual use and fast data processing. Patient Management System (PMS) is designed for multispecialty patients, to cover a wide range of patient administration processes.

1.2 Motivation

The real inspiration for the patient management system development is to create easy process of all the administration process like patient’s registration, drug management, doctor’s prescription, etc. We continuously see that to find out the patient’s and staff’s history, the user has to go through various records. This marks in consumption of time. Therefore, by this system it will develop easy to accomplish all process.

1.3 Objectives

  1. Design a system for better patient care.

  2. Reduce patient-operating costs and expenses on storing records in a paper.

  3. Drug management (checking drug availability, expiry date).

  4. Better co-ordination among the different departments.

  5. Patient management (scheduling, registration, long-term care and tracking daily inpatient/outpatient)

  6. Patient care management and departmental modules.

  7. Maintain the medical records of the patient



Hospitals can also be regarded as organizations based on high technology and information intensive processes. According to Lawrence and Dyer (1982), such organizations are not hierarchically structured bureaucracies, but are often based on democratic control mechanisms with institutionalized stakeholder influence in decision processes. [1], [2] A Hospital Information System (HIS) is defined as a comprehensive,integrated information system that managesthe administrative, financial, and clinical aspects of a hospital. Hospital Management System (computerized) is increasingly becoming an emerging tool in health care arena to efficiently enable delivery of high quality health services. These systems have large computerized data bases intended primarily for communication and storing health and administrative information. HMS has different components and includes broad scope and level of systems from departmental (a system limited to a specific clinical or financial domain) to knowledge based systems that provide diagnostic support and intervention for patient care activities.
